In 1273, Mr. Sai Dian Chi(Mr. Sayyid Ajall 1211—1279)was appointed to be the governor of Yunnan province by the emperor of Yuan Dynasty. He was an achieved governor during his tenure, but his greatest achievement was in successful water management and irrigation development in Kunming area, and after he died a small temple was built by local people to remember his achievement on water management. In 1274, Yunnan province was established and Mr. Sai Dian Chi moved the capital from Dali city to Kunming City(Song L. Early 14 Century). As a result of this change, water management became important for developing Kunming City, mainly to extend irrigation and control flooding from the mountains of north Kunming City.

In 1275, Mr. Sai Dian Chi implemented a series of hydraulic projects to govern six rivers from the mountains.