Time for action – automatically hiding NotificationBar

In this section we will demonstrate how to display the PrimeFaces NotificationBar component and automatically hide it using the JavaScript setTimeout() function.

  1. Create a NotificationBar widget and buttons to show and hide it using the following code:
    <p:notificationBar id="bar" widgetVar="notifBar" position="top" effect="slide" effectSpeed="slow" style="height: 20px; background-color: #8B0000;">
      <h:outputText value="There are New Unread Emails in your MailBox." style="color:#FFF;font-size:20px;"/>
      <p:commandButton value="Show" onclick="notifBar.show()"/>
      <p:commandButton value="Hide" onclick="notifBar.hide()"/>  
      <p:commandButton value="Show &amp; Auto Hide" onclick="showNotifBar()"/>  
  2. Create an onclick event handler JavaScript function showNotifBar() using the following code:
      var timeoutID = null;
      function showNotifBar() 
        timeoutID = window.setTimeout(hideNotifBar, 5000);
      function hideNotifBar()
        if(timeoutID != null)

What just happened?

When the Show & Auto Hide button is clicked, the showNotifBar() function gets invoked and the notification bar is displayed by calling notifBar.show(). Also, we are using the window.setTimeout() function to call hideNotifBar() with a delay of 5000 milliseconds, which will close the notification bar using the notifBar.hide() method.